Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ultimate Thor!

      HAVE AT THEE! It's a coloured sketch of Thor from Marvel's Ultimate Universe. The Ultimate Universe is Marvel's attempt to make a comic line where all their characters have been updated for the 21st Century and it worked! When it first started in 2000, every title was golden! One of the more interesting characters was Thor. His tagline was basically, "Is Thor really the God of Thunder or a deluded hippie with a big hammer?"
And for a large part of Marvel's The Ultimates series, you did wonder.

Here's the line work for my Ultimate Thor doodle as well.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

It's Lil Anakin... Sort Of!

    He was meant to be the Chosen One! He was meant to bring balance to the Force! Well, yeah, we all know how well that went. Here's a cute, little doodle of Anakin Skywalker I did for a friend of mine. However, she wanted it to be look like her little boy, since he is a massive Star Wars Fan. So this is a doodle of her little lad as Anakin Skywalker. This doodle, as well as the Lil Boba Fett doodle, were printed off as iPad Mini covers. Check them out!

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Seal of Approval!

    It's an old joke, but it's a good one! I just had an urge to draw a baby seal one day. But do, give this doodle to someone you like, lets make this doodle go viral.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

A Girl's Best Friend!

Here's the first of two doodles called "A Girl's Best Friend!" The original idea for this doodle was a girl hugging her childhood teddy bear. But after a few thumbnail Biro doodles, I changed it to a massive Cupcake. I'll properly go back to doing the initial idea one day.